Colleges / Universities in Australia

Victoria- Melbourne/Geelong/Ballarat

1 Monash University Onshore
2 Australian Catholic University Onshore
3 Swinburne University (Global) Onshore and Offshore
4 Swinburne College + Swinburne University (Global) Onshore and Offshore
5 Deakin University Onshore and Offshore
6 Deakin College+ Deakin University Onshore and Offshore
7 Victoria University Onshore and Offshore
8 Latrobe University Onshore and Offshore
9 Latrobe Melbourne+ Latrobe University Onshore and Offshore
10 RMIT University Onshore and Offshore (India only)
11 CQUniversity (Global) Onshore and Offshore
12 Victoria University College Onshore and Offshore
13 Melbourne Polytechnic (TAFE) Onshore and Offshore
14 Kangan Institute (TAFE) Onshore and Offshore
15 Southern Cross University Onshore and Offshore
16 Federation University Onshore and Offshore
17 Charles Sturt University Onshore and Offshore
18 Le Cordon Bleu Onshore and Offshore
19 ATMC (CDU / FedUni/USC) Onshore and Offshore
20 Chisholm Institute of TAFE Onshore and Offshore
21 Aapoly Institute Onshore and Offshore
22 Cambridge International College Onshore and Offshore
23 APIC (ECA) Onshore and Offshore
24 Torrens University Onshore and Offshore
25 Crown College Onshore
26 Martin College+ CSU Onshore and Offshore
27 Taylors college Onshore and Offshore
28 Strathfield College Onshore
29 Academia Onshore
30 ACAH (Australian College of Agriculture & Horticulture) Onshore
31 ACC (Associated Catholic Colleges) Onshore
32 Acknowledge Education (Stott’s College – Melbourne) Onshore
33 Acumen Education Onshore
34 Australian Education Academy Onshore
35 AIE (The Academy of Interactive Entertainment) Onshore
36 AITT Onshore
37 ALG Onshore
38 ALTEC Onshore
39 Australian National College (ANC) Onshore
40 APIC/ECA Onshore
41 ATMC Onshore and Offshore
42 Aveta Onshore
43 Barkly International College Onshore
44 Baxter Institute Onshore
45 Bayside College Onshore
46 CIC Higher Education Onshore
47 Danford college Onshore
48 Durban International College Onshore
49 Einstein College Onshore
50 EIT Onshore
51 Gen Institute Onshore
52 Gordon TAFE Onshore
53 Harward International College Onshore
54 Holmes Institute Onshore and Offshore
55 Kaplan Business School Onshore and Offshore
56 Kent Institute Onshore
57 Melbourne City College Onshore
58 Menzies Institute of Technology Onshore


59 National Australian Institute of Technology Onshore
60 Navitas Group Onshore and Offshore (Global)
61 Orange International College Onshore
62 Ozford College Onshore
63 Performance Education Onshore
64 Southern Cross Education Institute Onshore
65 TEDI Onshore
66 TMG College Onshore
67 Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) Onshore
68 Vocational Training Institute (VTI) Onshore
69 ETEA Onshore
70 SuniTAFE Onshore and Offshore
71 JTI Onshore

New South Wales- Sydney/New Castle/Wagga Wagga/ Wollongong

1 Western Sydney University- Sydney Campus Onshore and Offshore (through Navitas)
2 Victoria University- Sydney Onshore and Offshore
3 Latrobe University- Sydney (Global) Onshore and Offshore
4 Central Queensland University Onshore and Offshore
5 Australian Catholic University Onshore
6 ATMC- Federation University Onshore and Offshore
7 APIC (ECA) Onshore
8 Charles Sturt University Onshore and Offshore
9 University of Tasmania Onshore and Offshore
10 Le Cordon Bleu Onshore and Offshore
11 Southern Cross University Onshore
12 Swinburne Onshore and Offshore
13 Taylors College + The University of Sydney Onshore
14 MIT (Federation Uni) Onshore and Offshore
15 New Castle College Onshore
16 Australia Institute of Business & Technology (AIBT) Onshore
17 ALG Onshore
18 APIC/ECA Onshore
19 ASOC Onshore
20 ATMC Onshore and Offshore
21 Holmes Institute Onshore
22 Laureate Torrens Onshore
23 Kaplan Professional Onshore
24 Kent Institute Onshore
25 Performance Education Onshore
26 Sydney TAFE Onshore
27 Western Sydney Technology College Onshore and Offshore
28 ACC Darwin Onshore and Offshore
29 Torrens University Onshore and Offshore


Queensland- Brisbane/Gold Coast/ Cairns/Townsville

1 Australian Catholic University Onshore
2 Central Queensland University Onshore and Offshore
3 Southern Cross University Onshore
4 Charles Sturt University Onshore and Offshore
5 Federation University Onshore and Offshore
6 Griffith College + Griffith University Onshore and Offshore
7 Torrens University Onshore and Offshore
8 Martin College Onshore
9 ATMC-USC Onshore and Offshore
10 Australia Institute of Business & Technology (AIBT) Onshore
11 ALG Onshore
12 Holmes Institute Onshore
13 Laureate Torrens Onshore
14 Melbourne City College Onshore
15 Performance Education Onshore
16 University of Sunshine Coast Onshore and Offshore
17 Macallan College Onshore


Western Australia- Perth

1 Curtin University Onshore and Offshore
2 Curtin College + Curtin University Onshore and Offshore
3 Central Queensland University Onshore and Offshore
4 Taylors College+ The University of Western Australia Onshore (through subagent)
5 Le Cordon Bleu Onshore and Offshore
6 Southern Cross University Onshore
7 ALG Onshore
8 EIT Onshore
9 Global College Australasia Onshore
10 Edith Cowan College Onshore and Offshore (through Navitas)
11 Keystone College of Business and Technology Onshore
12 Performance Education Onshore
13 Skills Australia Onshore
14 Phoenix Academy Onshore


      South Australia- Adelaide

1 Central Queensland University Onshore and Offshore
2 Australian Catholic University Onshore
3 Flinders International Study Centre+ Flinders University Onshore
4 Le Cordon Bleu Onshore and Offshore
5 Durban College Onshore
6 Laureate Torrens Onshore
7 Performance Education Onshore
8 Southern Cross Education Institute Onshore
9 Skills Australia Onshore
10 Torrens University Onshore and Offshore


                                         ACT- Canberra

1 ANU College+ Australian National University Onshore
2 Australian Catholic University Onshore


                     Tasmania- Hobart, Launceston

1 University of Tasmania Onshore and Offshore
2 VTI Onshore
3 TasTAFE (TAFE Tasmania) Onshore
4 Australia Institute of Business & Technology (AIBT) Onshore
5 ALTEC Onshore
6 Orange International College Onshore