Scholarships in USA

Scholarships funded by USA Government

  • Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program – This is a program that provided non-degree scholarships to all international students who want to study in the US for 10 months.
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program – This Fulbright scholarship is the most famous program offered to international students by the US government. This scholarship is for all graduate students, artists, and young professionals for 1 year or more. Not applicable for the medical stream.

USA Non-government Scholarship funding

  • Tortuga Backpacks Study Abroad Scholarship – This scholarship is provided twice in a year to foreign students to get an education from the US. Worth – 1,000 dollars.
  • Science & Law School Scholarship – This Scholarship provides a full education coverage to Science and Law students to study in any of the top 1000 ranked US University.
  • David P.Shapiro Annual Leukaemia Scholarships – It provided two scholarships to students each year treated with leukemia in the US. Worth – 1,000 dollars.
  • The Next Gen Scholarship Fund – This scholarship is provided to those foreign students who have at least a 3.0 GPA and have his name in a credited university in Virginia, Washington DC or Maryland. Worth – 1,000 dollars.

US Scholarships for Asian Students

US Scholarships for Female Students

US Scholarships for Graduate Students

  • Rotary Peace Fellowships: If a student is studying in one of the Rotary’s ‘Peace Centers’ then he will be provided a scholarship for completing his master’s degree.

US Scholarships for Developing Countries

US University Scholarships